Free Udemy Courses

A Story-Course About Finding Your Passion & Purpose in Life

A Story-Course About Finding Your Passion & Purpose in Life
A Story-Course About Finding Your Passion & Purpose in Life

A Story-Course About Finding Your Passion & Purpose in Life

This free course is based on a book (fiction) that I wrote for my kids called “Am I Alive? (& Where the Heck Did I Go?)”

What you’ll learn

A Story-Course About Finding Your Passion & Purpose in Life

  • Live Your Life on Your Terms (Find Your Passion While Increasing Your Level of Happiness While Setting Incredible Goals)!
  • My goal was to write this book for my kids so that they feel confident making their own choices in life while finding true happiness in the path that they choose to take in their life.


  • Nothing is required except for an open mind (this is a work of fiction that I wrote for my kids to help them set their life goals, find their passion and purpose and increase their overall happiness) : )
  • Please either listen to the course as an audiobook or watch and listen to the course (your call). Thanks


This free course is a work of fiction and is based on a book that I wrote for my kids to help them set their life goals, find their passion and purpose and increase their overall happiness. Please either listen to the course as an audiobook or watch and listen to the course (your call). Thanks

The following quote from Steve Jobs best describes the journey that we will take together in this course, which will help you find your passion, purpose, and path while increasing happiness (while helping you set goals)!

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your inner voice. And most important, dare to follow your heart and intuition.”  – Steve Jobs

I hope you enjoy my humble first attempt at fiction; I also hope this inspires you to live, love life on your terms, and follow your heart to discover your true passion in life…wow that was a long sentence….don’t worry as this book is short!   : )

I also attached a free version of the book in Microsoft Word and PDF formats in case you wanted to complete the 2 simple and short exercises in this course on Goal Setting and Happyness  (I ‘misspelled’ that last word as a tribute to one of my heroes, Will Smith)     : )

Closed captions have been added to all videos in this course.


Who this course is for:

  • Anyone that wants to go on a journey with me and find their passion, purpose, happiness, and path in life, while setting incredible goals (this is a work of fiction that I wrote for my kids to help them set their life goals, find their passion and purpose and increase their overall happiness)!
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