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The Ultimate Guide To Reprogramming The Subconscious Mind

The Ultimate Guide To Reprogramming The Subconscious Mind
The Ultimate Guide To Reprogramming The Subconscious Mind

The Ultimate Guide To Reprogramming The Subconscious Mind

Increase Your Vibrational Awareness & Emotional Intelligence

What you’ll learn

The Ultimate Guide To Reprogramming The Subconscious Mind

  • Learn Basic Meditation
  • Increase Emotional Intelligence
  • Learn How To Create Affirmations (For Powerful Transformation)
  • Learn The Power Of Thought
  • Learn Basic Yoga For Everyday
  • Learn Basic Law Of Attraction!
  • Learn How To Create A Powerful Routine!
  • Learn how to balance your emotions
  • Learn the power of intention & how to use it for anything you desire
  • Learn the base foundation of many holistic modalities


  • Must be able to watch & listen to lectures.
  • Must have patience
  • Must be ready to apply in daily life!


Now is your chance to learn all the tricks to reprogramming your mind!

This course will teach you everything you need to know about harnessing mindfulness tools & creating a personalized ritual to help unlock your hidden superpowers (Intuition, Awareness, Inner Healer).

It’s tough figuring out how to reprogram your mind on your own! It’s like being stuck in a vicious circle. Don’t get caught in that trap. Use this unique course material provided by Curandero Gabriel & Finally Detached to help break through your barriers! Now is the time ‘11:11′

‘The Ultimate Guide To Reprogramming Your Mind’ includes the following:

  • Downloadable Videos To Help With Learning Different Approaches To Meditation
  • Downloadable Videos To Help Increase Emotional Your Intelligence
  • Downloadable Video To Help You Create Affirmations (For Powerful Transformation & Anything You Desire!)
  • Downloadable Video To Help You Learn The Power Of Thought!
  • Downloadable Video To Help You Learn Basic Yoga For Everyday Practical Use!
  • Learn Basic Law Of Attraction!
  • Learn How To Create A Powerful Ritual!
  • Tons Of Free Resources To Help You Along Your Journey To Becoming A Master Of Your Mind

We highly recommend that you approach this course with patience and integrity! You must watch the course content more than once if you want to gain a deeper understanding of the lectures given & the weaving of modalities for your personal and energetic benefit.

Your Journey Awaits!

Who this course is for:

  • Intermediate & Advanced Mindfulness Practitioners
  • Those Who Seek More Knowledge
  • Those who are on the journey to becoming a medicine man or medicine women
  • Anyone interested in the Law Of Attraction
  • Anyone interested in reprogramming their mind
  • Anyone interested in learning the connection between holistic modalities & deep healing
  • Is anyone interested in self-improvement?
  • Anyone ready to increase their emotional intelligence
  • Those who are new to understanding thought as ‘energy’
  • Anyone who wants more happiness in their lives!
  • Anyone interested in awakening their inner healer
  • Anyone interested in learning how to break the limits of the subconscious mind
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