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Fitness For Beginners: Complete Workout Plan Mastery 2017 – Free Udemy Courses

Fitness For Beginners: Complete Workout Plan Mastery 2017 - Free Udemy Courses
Fitness For Beginners: Complete Workout Plan Mastery 2017 - Free Udemy Courses

Fitness For Beginners: Complete Workout Plan Mastery 2017 – Free Udemy Courses

Learn how to Create your Training & Exercise Routines that Optimizes your Gene Expression and Alter your Body Compo

What you’ll learn

Fitness For Beginners: Complete Workout Plan Mastery 2017 – Free Udemy Courses

  • Decide how many hours they should workout per week based on their goals
  • Decide how many times they should workout per week based on your goals
  • Decide whether they should do Steady-State Cardio or HIIT
  • Master the Exercise form of 8-Main Exercises using the Key Checkpoint System
  • Understand the breathing process while exercising


  • Willingness to apply the information given


“Forget fish oil and sudoku— its’s exercise that makes you brainier. 

Regular exercise isn’t just good for your can also dramatically improve your : 


-Boost learning capabilities

-Reduce stress levels, ward off depression and anxiety

-Smoothen out Hormonal Fluctuations 

-Reverse signs of aging”

—Blurb by Daily Mail on Dr. John Matey’s Book ‘SPARK’

Yet we have engineered exercise right out of our lifestyle with automation and technology!

This course is for you:

-If you are a beginner to exercise and working-out

-If you are intermediate, but have not exercised in a long time

-Can’t seem to summon up enough motivation or will-power to start a fitness regime

-Want to start…., but you are confused and overwhelmed with the plethora of exercise options available today.

In this course, I will completely ‘DECODE’ Exercise and Training for YOU:

 So that there is NO CONFUSION…..only CLARITY:) 

As Robin Sharma states “ Clarity Precedes Mastery” …..This Free course will make you a ‘Master in designing your Exercise Routine.’ 

Based on your Exercise Goals you will understand and learn:

How many hours you should workout per week

How many times a week you should work out….

Whether to do Steady-State Cardio or HIIT….

Whether joining a gym is the right step for you or not? If Yes, how to select your gym, based on some key criteria?

How to perform 8-Important Exercises correctly using the Key Checkpoints System

How to breathe correctly while doing the movements

How to warm up and cool down correctly

AND much more!

Who this course is for:

  • You are a beginner at exercise and working-out
  • You are intermediate but have not exercised in a long time
  • Can’t seem to summon up enough motivation or will-power to start a fitness regime
  • Want to start…, but you are confused and overwhelmed with the plethora of exercise options available today
Get Course Now


