Free Udemy Courses

Bridge Game – wk 0/7: Introduction – Free Udemy Courses

Bridge Game - wk 0/7: Introduction - Free Udemy Courses
Bridge Game - wk 0/7: Introduction - Free Udemy Courses

Bridge Game – wk 0/7: Introduction – Free Udemy Courses

Game, tournaments, terminology, scoring, rules, and ethics.

What you’ll learn

Bridge Game – wk 0/7: Introduction – Free Udemy Courses

  • General information about the bridge game
  • Basic terms
  • Bridge equipment
  • Tournament setup
  • Scoring


  • No requirement or prerequisite is necessary for this course. A deck of game cards may be useful for practice.


Welcome to the “Bridge Game – WK0/7: Introduction” course. This course provides general basic information about bridge games and the topics are:

– Bridge Game (auction period, game period, rubber bridge, duplicate bridge, variations, evolution, ruling)

– Basic Terms (deck of cars, boards, hand display, vulnerability, bidding box, contract levels, players, card play)

– Bridge Equipment (open table, table with screen, screen window, tray, soring device)

– Tournament Setup (scoring methods, pairs & teams movements, setup examples, groups, rules, rules for dummy, TD at the table, ethics)

– Scoring (when a contract is made, when a contract is defeated, in pairs events, in teams events)

This course is a kind of prerequisite to a series of bridge courses. When you complete this course, you may decide to keep learning bridge and attend the following courses in the given order:

WEEK 1/7: Basic Bidding I

WEEK 2/7: Card Game (You can start playing bridge.)

WEEK 3/7: Basic Bidding II

WEEK 4/7: Intermediate Bidding (You can start joining bridge tournaments.)

WEEK 5/7: Advanced Bidding (coming soon)

WEEK 6/7: Card Game II (coming soon)

WEEK 7/7: Expert Bidding (coming soon)

The last 3 courses are designed for advanced and expert players and will be published by the end of this year. You will not need them until you reach some years of experience.

Who this course is for:

  • This course is for everybody interested in card games, especially for those who like puzzles and mind games.
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