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Cold Email Lead Generation: 10 Strategies that CONVERT(2021) – Free Udemy Courses

Cold Email Lead Generation: 10 Strategies that CONVERT(2021) - Free Udemy Courses
Cold Email Lead Generation: 10 Strategies that CONVERT(2021) - Free Udemy Courses

Cold Email Lead Generation: 10 Strategies that CONVERT(2021) – Free Udemy Courses

How to craft Cold Email Lead Generation campaigns that turn total STRANGERS into Paying Customers [2021 Guide]

What you’ll learn

Cold Email Lead Generation: 10 Strategies that CONVERT(2021) – Free Udemy Courses

  • You’ll learn 10 Cold Email Lead generation strategies that convert in 2021
  • What to write and what NOT to write in a B2B cold email
  • How to not get your Cold Email to end up in the SPAM folder
  • How to get more B2B leads for your Business via Cold Email Lead Generation strategies that work


  • No prior experience or skill is required for taking this online course.


Cold email is just like a dart that is thrown in the dark. It might hit or not, but it is important to throw the dart the right way to increase the chances of hitting the bulls-eye.

For salespeople and Marketing people who could do cold email the right way, it’s been observed response rates from 15 to 20 percent are exceptional. Some companies have a 44% response rate to their cold emails.

Open rates can be increased by a whopping 49% with A/B split testing in your campaigns.

Split testing is squaring one email off against the other to see which one gets the best results and using the winner as a new test to create another variation with slight variations.

You will be surprised at changing one little word can make a huge difference after a split test.

  • Open rates can be increased by around 22% by including the recipient’s name in the subject line.
  • Realistic targets can be set by using the industry average open rates.
  • Catchy subject lines could increase open rates
  • Improve your targeting.
  • Reply rates can be improved with personalized emails.
  • Split testing can also improve open rates.
  • Increase reply rates by email follow-up.
  • Bring only the good stuff to people.
  • Get to the point quickly.
  • Keep it informal.
  • Be confident.

Who this course is for:

  • Cold email
  • Lead generation
  • B2B Cold Email
  • Email Marketing
  • B2B Cold Email Marketing
  • Email Marketing Strategies
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