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Birth Prep In A Box – Antenatal Preparation Course – Free Udemy Courses

Birth Prep In A Box - Antenatal Preparation Course - Free Udemy Courses
Birth Prep In A Box - Antenatal Preparation Course - Free Udemy Courses

Birth Prep In A Box – Antenatal Preparation Course – Free Udemy Courses

Full antenatal education course + supporting resources

What you’ll learn

Birth Prep In A Box – Antenatal Preparation Course – Free Udemy Courses

  • What is ‘normal’ physiological birth and why should we learn about it?
  • What birthing hormones are, how they affect your birth and how you can enhance their performance.
  • What the different phases of labor are likely to look and feel like, as well as how to find comfort for yourself and support your partner.
  • Learn what choices are available to you and how to make a fully informed decision.
  • Find out about your rights at birth (very important!).
  • Birth Plan/Preferences writing including a template.
  • Thinking about where to plan to birth and how to control your environment wherever you birth.
  • As well as Vitamin K, Microbiome, biomechanics, and much much more.


  • This course is designed for anyone who is having a baby and their partner too. It starts at a basic level and includes a tonne of extra resources to help you safely do your ongoing research.


This is a full antenatal education course in a box written by a UK Doula.

Initially designed for my Doula clients I realized that I want this information to be accessible to all expectant families as it’s so important and can be a nightmare to filter through the internet to find. So here it is in one place…

You will leave this course with baseline knowledge of so many important subjects and a springboard to do your research to prepare for a positive birth.

What I will not do…

I will NOT promise you a pain-free birth (hint: don’t trust the courses that do), I will NOT do all the research for you, and I do NOT have all of the answers but I am here to help find them yourself. Because that is what birth preparation should be about: Supporting you to find YOUR WAY!



What is included?

The course is designed for both you AND your partner to work through together and includes information on the following topics:


  • Oxytocin
  • Adrenaline
  • Endorphins
  • Prolactin
  • Relaxin
  • and importantly how to harness them for a positive birth experience for everyone

Stages of Labour

  • Latent Phase
  • 1st Phase
  • 2nd Phase
  • 3rd Phase
  • Golden Hour
  • Fourth Trimester
  • And information on what these stages are likely to look and feel like for both you and your partner

Practical Preparation

  • Where
  • Environment
  • Pain Relief
  • Biomechanics
  • Microbiome
  • Vitamin K
  • Knowing Your Rights
  • Decision Making
  • Birth Plan Writing
  • Sample Birth Plan

Hypnobirthing (App only)

  • Download the Birth Prep In A Box app now where you can subscribe to my Hypnobirthing course for just £9.99/month or £39.99/year.


Along with all of this information I have built a huge list of resources on my website, including links to articles, videos, books, social media accounts, and podcasts. All from trusted evidence-based resources.


Join my Facebook community group to meet like-minded families working through the course too. Come along to meet new people, ask questions and just read what others have to say.


Online learning is fantastic, I believe so, but one-2-one is next level… So once you have completed this course I encourage you to contact me to book a recap video call where you can ask questions and make sure that you have the information required for you and your circumstances.

Or why not book it now, and give yourself a deadline to work to and keep yourself accountable?

I hope you enjoy the course, I would love to hear any feedback that you may have.

Sarah ❤️

The Nostalgic Doula

Who this course is for:

  • Are you expecting a baby?
  • Are you befuddled by the information that is thrown at you from the moment you wee on the stick?
  • Are you and your partner working on a different level because you are being exposed to ever-differing ideas and experiences about birth?
  • Are you fed up with asking Dr. Google and never knowing what is trusted information and what is just someone’s opinion?
  • This course is for you if you answered YES to any one of the questions above!

Birth Prep In A Box – Antenatal Preparation Course – Free Udemy Courses

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