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Intermediate Android: Jump Scare App Clone In Kotlin – Free Udemy Courses

Intermediate Android: Jump Scare App Clone In Kotlin - Free Udemy Courses
Intermediate Android: Jump Scare App Clone In Kotlin - Free Udemy Courses

Intermediate Android: Jump Scare App Clone In Kotlin – Free Udemy Courses

Learn the techniques used in the prank app Shock

What you’ll learn

Intermediate Android: Jump Scare App Clone In Kotlin – Free Udemy Courses

  • Learn the techniques used in the shock prank app
  • Storing Objects in Shared Preferences
  • Downloading images to app storage
  • Working with TextToSpeech


  • Working PC or Mac that can run Android Studio
  • Must be Android Developer(Kotlin)
  • Must not be a beginner. This course moves fast.


Note: This is not a beginner course. This course is for people comfortable programming Android Apps and that want to explore new possibilities.

In this course, we will be learning how TempestStorm pulled off some of the techniques in the prank app Shock. This course walks you through the technique used. After exploring the prank screen we build out the rest of the app. This app covers downloading images from the web, and saving objects into Shared Preferences. Using LocalBroadcastManager to inform parts of the app to update itself. MediaPlayer is used to play scary sounds. TextToSpeech adds a unique touch to this app. This is the Kotlin version of this course. If you know Java, there is a Java version of this course.

Please Download and rate the app, it helps.

Who this course is for:

  • Android Developers who know kotlin
  • People wanting to expand their Android knowledge and creativity
  • People who like fun unique apps
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