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The Serial Entrepreneur’s Guide To Startups – Free Udemy Courses

The Serial Entrepreneur's Guide To Startups - Free Udemy Courses
The Serial Entrepreneur's Guide To Startups - Free Udemy Courses

The Serial Entrepreneur’s Guide To Startups – Free Udemy Courses

Learn how a successful serial entrepreneur thinks about building a company and the motivations why.

What you’ll learn

The Serial Entrepreneur’s Guide To Startups – Free Udemy Courses

  • Evaluate why they want to be an entrepreneur.
  • Know what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.
  • Recognize the traits that make up a successful entrepreneur.
  • Understand the basic skills successfulentrepreneursr need to have.
  • Envision what their company may look like and be able to compare it to others.
  • Know what a typical day of a successful entrepreneur looks like.
  • Evaluate the value of an idea.
  • Enter a new market on know the 3 ways to make money in it.
  • How to get into a new industry of their idea while keeping their day job.
  • Understand the 101 questions all successful entrepreneurs know the answers to.
  • Follow the step-by-step process of building a successful startup.
  • Recognize the mistakes a successful entrepreneur never makes.
  • Identify the plethora of buzzwords that reveal an amateur.


  • Courage, gumption, and a willingness to ask questions.
  • Strong desire to become a successful entrepreneur and innovator.
  • Passion and enthusiasm for learning.
  • No prior knowledge is required.
  • You are in the very early stages of starting a business.


Hi, I am Mike Stemple a professional, multi-successful, serial entrepreneur and innovator. I am excited to make my courses available here on Udemy. It seems like just yesterday I had the opportunity to mentor one of the founders of Udemy as he made his way through Founder Institute, and now I am launching a series of courses on his amazing startup!


Inspirer Mike Stemple, an expert at ideation, innovation, startups, and brand creation, who has built over 20 companies that have grown to be worth $100+ million, for the first time revealing all the tips, tricks, hacks, and processes he used, and still uses, to rapidly grow an idea into a full-fledged business. A sought-after speaker and an award-winning mentor Mike’s teaching style is to the point, based on REAL-world experience, and at times humorous in his candor and life lessons. Along with his video lessons Mike is sharing his treasure trove of cheatsheets, templates, and how-to guides that he has built over a 20-year successful career. These documents by themselves are worth thousands of dollars and they are included with each relevant course.

In this introductory course, Mike covers the basics of startups and entrepreneurism. He covers what it takes to build a startup and more importantly why you should do it at all.

Here are some of the questions covered:

  • Are you ready to be an entrepreneur?
  • What do you need to know to be a successful entrepreneur?
  • Which traits do you have that can help you be successful?
  • What are the basic skills every entrepreneur needs?
  • How should I envision my company?
  • What is a typical day like for a successful entrepreneur?
  • How valuable is my idea?
  • What are the ways I can make money?
  • How can I get into the industry of my idea while keeping my day job?
  • What are all the questions I need to be able to answer to be a successful entrepreneur?
  • What are the step-by-step things I need to do at the beginning, middle, and end of my startup?
  • What are some of the mistakes successful entrepreneurs do NOT make?
  • What buzzwords do I need to avoid so I don’t sound like an amateur?

Here are some of the topics covered:

  • Why I do it.
  • What qualities predict success.
  • What it means to be a professional entrepreneur vs an amateur.
  • Most entrepreneurs are building a non-profit and they don’t know it.
  • The 3 “P” Skills Every Professional Entrepreneur Has To Master
  • A better way to envision your company.
  • My daily process “A typical day” What does a founder do?
  • Mistakes Professionals Entrepreneurs Do Not Make
  • The Value Of Ideas
  • The 3 Ways To Make Money before Quitting Your Day Job
  • 101 Questions a Professional Entrepreneur Must Be Able To Answer
  • The Startup Checklist – How to quickly start your startup and look professional.

15 Lessons & 16 Downloads
Total: 3h 50m 47s : Min: 3m 48s : Max: 42m 12s : Avg: 15m 23s

Why This Course Is So Unique

I TEACH it. Most instructors write up content and use a teleprompter to deliver it, I don’t. All my lessons are taught with only notes for my review. I believe the best instructors SHOULD be able to talk about their topics without a script. Because I do not follow a vetted script my lessons take you on a journey. I talk about real-world success and more importantly the mistakes I made in my companies. I teach each topic off the top of my head because I know the content inside and out. After building 20 companies and hundreds of products I know all the mistakes you can make and will teach you how to avoid them. All my courses also use real-world examples that I did vs pointing to someones else’s success and teaching to it.

Additionally, all my courses feature numerous downloads of the ACTUAL files I use to build my companies. I walk you through each one and demonstrate how I use them to rapidly grow my ideas into companies.

And finally, I am the one in the forum answering questions, not some intern or outsourced partner. My responses are sometimes pithy, sometimes funny, sometimes insightful, and always genuine.

Money Back Guarantee

All my courses come with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to build a solid foundation for a successful startup.
  • First-time entrepreneurs.
  • Entrepreneurs starting and growing a business.
  • Full-time employees considering building a startup.
  • People who want to start a business.
  • If you want to learn the secrets of how a repeat successful serial entrepreneur does/did it.
  • Entrepreneurs who have a business idea and want to know how to build upon it.
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The Serial Entrepreneur’s Guide To Startups – Free Udemy Courses

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