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Emotional releasing for parents and children – Free Udemy Courses

Emotional releasing for parents and children - Free Udemy Courses
Emotional releasing for parents and children - Free Udemy Courses

Emotional releasing for parents and children – Free Udemy Courses

A free mini course consisting of a 3 part video series on EFT for parents and children

What you’ll learn

Emotional releasing for parents and children – Free Udemy Courses

  • A powerful energy release technique called Emotional Freedom technique (EFT)
  • Find out why reactions to our children can be exaggerated and regretful
  • Uncover and release your Emotional triggers from your child with EFT
  • How to prevent unwanted reactions which may harm your child
  • Special considerations for tapping with your child


  • No skills or previous experience required


This free mini course shows you a very powerful energy release technique known as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), used by thousands of people all over the world. It is a technique marrying Western Psychology with Eastern Energy Psychology, involving tapping on certain acupressure points on the body while recalling a traumatic memory, or while feeling stress or anxiety about the future.

In this course, I will show you how to use this technique to master your emotional triggers and prevent projecting these onto your children as well as special considerations for tapping for children. Ever reacted with your children in a way that you regret? Do you ever say to yourself ‘I don’t know what came over me?’ These are automatic triggers that you can heal safely and effectively, thus not allowing them to run your life anymore.

Tapping for children helps to prevent them from accumulating emotional baggage later on in life. No matter how good parents we are, there will always be events that hurt our children, events that happened at home or school. It doesn’t matter because solutions are available to process and heal these wounds safely and effectively.

Included in this mini-course is extra training on my belief-busting system ALWAYS, a system for changing your limiting beliefs from childhood.

Who this course is for:

  • Parents want to master their thoughts and emotions to prevent unwanted reactions from their children
  • Parents wanting to build a healthy relationships with their children
  • Parents wanting to prevent their children from accumulating emotional baggage
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