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Earn Passive Income – Free Udemy Courses

Earn Passive Income - Free Udemy Courses
Earn Passive Income - Free Udemy Courses

Earn Passive Income – Free Udemy Courses

Earn financial freedom, free up time, so you can spend it with people you love, and improve health by reducing stress

What you’ll learn

Earn Passive Income – Free Udemy Courses

  • Learn how to earn passive income, so you can free up time, improve health by reducing stress and working hours and be financially free.
  • Understand the differences between active and passive income.
  • Money stories – What they are, how they get in our way, and explore your money stories.
  • 2 routes to earning passive income.
  • Learn how to evaluate and manage risk when considering a passive income opportunity.


  • Be willing to explore the concepts shared in this course with an open mind.
  • Be open to having your inner stories about money and work challenging.


This course is for you if you find yourself saying or wishing:

  • I wish there was a way to earn money with ease, without hustling all the time or working long hours.
  • Life is slipping by: I hardly get to spend quality time with my family; I want more time with people I love. I want more time doing things I love.
  • I want better health but there is hardly any time to look after myself.
  • I would follow my passion IF ONLY money wasn’t part of the equation!
  • I wish I had more money so I could support the causes I am passionate about.
  • I wish the Law of Attraction worked for me!
  • I would love to build a retirement or pension fund.
  • I have enough but why settle when I can have more?

While going through cancer treatment, I had to give up work because I was poorly. Becoming financially dependent on my family impacted my sense of self-worth and confidence. I struggled to see and hear myself. Oh, how I wished I had multiple income streams, especially passive ones, which would have kept money flowing in with ease! It was the wake-up call I needed to explore passive income opportunities for myself.

Now as a coach and a cancer survivor, I help people establish multiple income streams for additional financial safety and abundance. Passive income takes the pressure off of hustling all the time and allows us to spend more time with our loved ones. It enables us to invest in our health by reducing work hours and stress.


Because life is too short and too uncertain to make a different choice!


Financial freedom is for everyone and we must achieve it on our terms.

Who this course is for:

  • You are done hustling and want to provide for yourself and your loved ones with ease.
  • You want to free up time so you can spend it with people and on experiences you love. Because you can only free up time and cannot create more time.
  • You want better health by reducing long hours at work and financial worries. You also want to be able to look after yourself better by investing time and money.
  • You are open to challenging your stories about work, life, and money to find financial freedom.
  • Open to exploring new ways of being, and not just traditional ways to make an income.
  • Are taking full ownership of their lives in terms of their finances or time or health.
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