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Artificial Intelligence ML Startup Casestudy w/Sramana Mitra – Free Udemy Courses

Artificial Intelligence ML Startup Casestudy w/Sramana Mitra - Free Udemy Courses
Artificial Intelligence ML Startup Casestudy w/Sramana Mitra - Free Udemy Courses

Artificial Intelligence ML Startup Casestudy w/Sramana Mitra – Free Udemy Courses

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Startup Lessons from the Trenches

What you’ll learn

Artificial Intelligence ML Startup Casestudy w/Sramana Mitra – Free Udemy Courses

  • How an impactful Artificial Intelligence startup has been built.
  • How a significant AI startup can be built.
  • How to build an ML startup.
  • How a notable Machine Learning startup has been built.


  • None.


The 1Mby1M Methodology is based on case studies. In each course, Sramana Mitra shares the tribal knowledge of tech entrepreneurs by giving students a rare seat at the table with the entrepreneurs, investors, and thought leaders who provide the most instructive perspectives on how to build a thriving business. Through these conversations, students gain access to case studies exploring the alleys of entrepreneurship. Sramana’s synthesis of key learnings and incisive analysis adds great depth to each discussion.

Udemy has over six million students who are learning Machine Learning on the platform. Many of these students are aspiring entrepreneurs.

In the next 2-3 decades, the potential for distributed capitalism is very high and the outcome should be extremely positive around the world. That is the mission upon which my current work with One Million by One Million is based.

Let’s talk about the field of medicine. If you think about what a doctor needs to do to diagnose an illness, she needs to consider all the symptoms, take into account all the test results, consider all the treatment options, factor in all the side effects of various medications and their interplay with other medications the patient is already taking.

This is, effectively, a multivariate optimization problem that a doctor has to do in her head. And, she needs to keep up with all the new research and advances in medical science and factor those in as well. The field of medicine is full of incorrect diagnoses and mistreatment of illnesses. Now, if you replace this whole process with software, which IBM is trying to do with their Watson supercomputer, medical diagnosis becomes a truly scientific, deterministic process.

Who this course is for:

  • Tech entrepreneurs building or aspiring to build Artificial Intelligence ML startups.
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