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How to Hack a Web Application- Security Practices Course Site

How to Hack a Web Application- Security Practices Course Free Download
How to Hack a Web Application- Security Practices Course Free Download

How to Hack a Web Application- Security Practices Course Site

Learn how to hack websites or Web applications and how to write a secure Web application.

What you’ll learn

How to Hack a Web Application- Security Practices Course Site

  • Learn How to hack web Application
  • How to build secure Application

  • Be good hacker, good tester, or good developer


  • If you are hacker or tester you do not need to have any background, I will teach you everything
  • If you are a developer you need to know how to write Web App
  • You will need a computer running Microsoft Windows, or Linux, or a Mac running OS X.


This course for anyone who wants to hack web Apps or secure web Apps or test web apps from scratch, We will start by discus the fundamentals of web development. Then we will start talking about how to gathering Information on Target to attack. We will learn how to Bypass Restriction and validation of input then how to secure our web Apps from the bypassing process. We will talk about several attacks such as Query String AttackCookies AttackHidden Field attack, URL Jumping Attack, csrf attack and how to use Session Hijacking to stole user identity. Then we will talk about XSS Attack and how could be used to store cookies and show ADS or apply pishing, and SQL Injection that could be used to break the Web App database. Then we will talk about Directory Traversal and Denial Of Service. All the practices have real-world exercises

Who is the target audience?

How to Hack a Web Application- Security Practices Course Site

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