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Basic IP address (IPV4) Course – Free Udemy Courses

Basic IP address (IPV4) Course - Free Udemy Courses
Basic IP address (IPV4) Course - Free Udemy Courses

Basic IP address (IPV4) Course – Free Udemy Courses

IP Address (IPV4) Class for Network Engineer

What you’ll learn

Basic IP address (IPV4) Course – Free Udemy Courses

  • IPv4, IP address types, and How to do Basic IP address Lab


  • Basic Internet knowledge


This is a short course covering the very basics of IP addressing. This being a course for beginners, I have covered all the fundamental IP address  (IPV4) topics in this. This will clear your doubts and prepare you for any advanced topics in networking.

This course gives a comprehensive introduction to IP addressing.

This course teaches you to know the various classes of IP address

This course teaches you to be able to use any class of IP address in Networking Labs

In This Course, we teach how we can assign an IP address to Machines Like Windows and Linux.

In this course, we attached some notes also so you can have some notes on these topics.

If you have any questions you can reach out to us we will try to assist you in this.

This course also teaches how to configure IP addresses on the Linux system.

Let me give you some IP address Introduction here so you will have an idea about that.

IP (Internet Protocol):

IP Addresses are divided into 5 Classes, These are divided by IANA: – Internet Assigned Number authority.

We are using two types of version

· IPV4

· IPV6

So let’s start first discussing IP V4.

· IP uses packets called IP packets to carry information. Every IP packet should have an address.

· The IP address (IPV4) is 32-bit and consists of 2 parts, the network part, and the host part.

The IP address is 32 bits but we write it into 4 blocks of 8 bits as given above.

IP Addresses are divided into 5 Classes, There are divided by IANA:- Internet Assigned Number Authority.

Class A 1-126

Class B 128-191

Class C 192-223

Class D 224-239 – Multicast

Class E 240-255 – Reserved

So we are only using Class A, B & C IP addresses

Subnet Mask: It’s an address used to identify the network and host portion of the IP address

Class A N.H.H.H /8

Class B N.N.H.H /16

Class C N.N.N.H /24

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner to Networking
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