Wordpress Tutorials

Become a Pro WordPress Custom Theme Developer

Become a Pro Wordpress Custom Theme Developer
Become a Pro Wordpress Custom Theme Developer

Become a Pro WordPress Custom Theme Developer

This course shows you how to turn any HTML, CSS template into a fully functional Custom WordPress Theme in a simple step-by-step way.

What you’ll learn

Become a Pro WordPress Custom Theme Developer

  • You will learn how to change any HTML, CSS, or Bootstrap template into a Custom WordPress Theme.
  • In this class, you will learn how to use WordPress as a content management system.
  • You will learn how to make and use your own post types.
  • You will learn how to make and use your own taxonomy type.
  • Make and use custom fields on your Custom Post Type by reading this text.
  • You will learn how to make your own sidebar widgets and use them on a different theme.
  • You will learn how to make your own FrontPage and Page templates with and without sidebars.
  • Learn how to use WordPress starter theme templates like Underscore and Understrap to make your own site look good.
  • You will learn how to set up WordPress in a way that makes it work with a custom theme.
  • You will put the files and folders of the custom WordPress theme in the right place.


  • HTML and CSS are the basics of how to write HTML and CSS.


Hands-on: In this class, you’ll learn how to turn any static HTML, CSS template into a fully functional Custom WordPress Theme that you can use on any website. You’ll also learn how to make the theme look good on any screen.

In the steps below, we’ll learn everything one at a time.

  • 1.1-Getting the software xampp and vs code set up.
  • 1.2-Getting the WordPress engine
  • WordPress config and database are set up in 1.3
  • In this part, you’ll set up WordPress through its installer.
  • 1.5-What is a “content management system,” and what is it used for?
  • Take a closer look at WordPress in this part:
  • 1.7-A detailed tour of the WordPress backend.
  • Static HTML template 1.8: Downloading the template
  • The 1.9-Static Html template is shown.
  • 2.1: Making all the files for the theme.
  • Second, we’ll change the static HTML template to fit our theme’s layout.
  • The next step is to move all of the static markups to the header.php Front page and footer.php are both in the same file
  • 2.4-Setting up the theme information and the image that shows the preview of the theme you want to use.
  • Copying the main.css to the style.css of the theme is step number 2.5.
  • This is what 2.6-wp head and wp footer do.
  • 2.7: Add the header and footer to the front page by enqueuing the style file.
  • 2.8-add all the javascript files to the queue.
  • Adding the body class function to the header file in step 3.2
  • 3.3- Making the site title, website link, and description of your site change as you make changes to it.
  • 3.4-Showing a website logo that was uploaded through the dashboard.
  • 3.5-Making the navigation menu items change.
  • Styling the main menu and submenu
  • 3.7-Removing unnecessary sections from the Footer.
  • 3.8-Putting the Main Sidebar in a functions PHP file.
  • 3.9-Putting 3 footer widgets in a PHP file called functions.
  • 3.10: Calling footer widgets and passing dynamic content from the Dashboard to them.
  • WordPress dashboard posts can be retrieved by using WP Query to get them from the site.
  • It’s easy to make posts from the dashboard.
  • 4.3-Show Post Info for each Post.
  • 4.4-Creating a new post type
  • On the front page, there is a 4.5-loop over a custom post type.
  • 4.6-Showing portfolio information for each portfolio and doing wp-reset-postdata for each portfolio.

Who this course is for:

  • All those people who want to become a Pro WordPress Custom theme Developer.

Become a Pro WordPress Custom Theme Developer

CSS And JavaScript Complete Course For Beginners

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