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Deep Peace & Happiness Masterclass – Free Udemy Courses

Deep Peace & Happiness Masterclass - Free Udemy Courses
Deep Peace & Happiness Masterclass - Free Udemy Courses

Deep Peace & Happiness Masterclass – Free Udemy Courses

A Technical Approach To Rediscovering Yourself

What you’ll learn

Deep Peace & Happiness Masterclass – Free Udemy Courses

  • how to locate the source of happiness outside the mind and how to access it anytime
  • how the mind is programmed to believe things we don’t want where willpower doesn’t work
  • how to reveal ever-present happiness by de-energizing the mind without doing or thinking
  • facilitate, the letting go of long-standing obsessions, addictions, and overthinking


  • any committed student willing to thoroughly understand the real problem and not quick fixes


Since an entire lifetime can be spent chasing mirages, doing and achieving to be rewarded with breadcrumbs of validation for complying with society’s crazy expectations, and never finding peace, the average person is not aware of the following, and much unnecessary suffering speaks volumes on the importance of learning more.

That the real source of happiness is the state of peace that ensues as a result of the mind getting out of the way as a result of its wantingness being satisfied.

Allowing oneself to fully be immersed in this masterclass means discovering the gift of how much emotional discontent is not realizing that the mind is not the source of happiness.

Thus, one does not want the mind and its never-ending carnival of whims and desires. The unhappy, obsessed, addicted, mind-dependent individual is addicted to the peace that ensues as a result of the mind getting out of the way.

The masterclass aims to shed light precisely on these subconscious processes and the committed student will love to thoroughly understand the ins and outs of why the mind works the way it works and why it seems always unhappy.

Learn the what, when, why, and how to build solid happiness and discover safety within yourself that transcends time and the temporary whims and illusions of the mind.

Who this course is for:

  • a committed student who puts in the work and faces the truth
  • an independent researcher who enjoys personal growth
  • mental health veteran who has “been everywhere tried everything”
  • the spiritual seeker who appreciates a direct approach

Deep Peace & Happiness Masterclass – Free Udemy Courses

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