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Facilitation and Coaching Skills in Dealing with others – Free Udemy Courses

Facilitation and Coaching Skills in Dealing with others - Free Udemy Courses
Facilitation and Coaching Skills in Dealing with others - Free Udemy Courses

Facilitation and Coaching Skills in Dealing with others – Free Udemy Courses

Dealing with others through change

What you’ll learn

Facilitation and Coaching Skills in Dealing with others – Free Udemy Courses

  • How To Have Difficulty Conversations.
  • 7 Ideas to Grow A Positive Approach During Change
  • 3 Prisms of Coaching: Performance, Transition & Transformation
  • Overview of the 5-STAR Leadership & Team Success Method


  • No requirements or prerequisites needed


This 33 Minute “WEBINAR” is a work session with encouragement to grab a pen and pad and make space to reflect, think and work on yourself.

The Webinar is broken into 3 sections of approximately 10 minutes each & with some additional thoughts for reflection and challenge.

In section one we go over our 5 STAR Leadership & Team Success or Intercept Method, which creates a foundation for your team dynamics. We address your mindset and look at the parts we each play to get the most out of the session.

In section two we look at seven ideas to grow a positive approach during change. We address one of our models that supports you to shift in and out as needed. This helps you to shift perspective and supports your and your team’s positive growth.

In section three we look at the three prisms of Coaching: Performance, Transition, and, Transformation. And answer the question, What does it take to be effective when dealing with people? We look at deepening and widening your coaching skill to achieve that.

We also present and share some further insights to support you on your Leadership journey.

The last Lecture looks at how to implement the learned principles in the real world, with real-world examples.


Who this course is for:

  • Leaders with a focus on emerging leaders
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