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How to break your self-liming beliefs FAST and SIMPLE – Free Udemy Courses

How to break your self-liming beliefs FAST and SIMPLE - Free Udemy Courses
How to break your self-liming beliefs FAST and SIMPLE - Free Udemy Courses

How to break your self-liming beliefs FAST and SIMPLE – Free Udemy Courses

Use GROWTH MINDSET to ACHIEVE what YOU want. Replace your old self-liming ideas with new empowering ones

What you’ll learn

How to break your self-liming beliefs FAST and SIMPLE – Free Udemy Courses

  • You will learn the origins of self-liming beliefs
  • You will learn what self-limiting beliefs are
  • The difference between the GROWTH mindset and a RIGID MINDSET
  • How to use a GROWTH mindset to achieve your goals
  • The 10 most common self-limiting beliefs
  • 12-step exercise to break your self-liming beliefs
  • 3-step exercise to create new empowering beliefs so you can achieve your goal


  • Dedication.
  • Pen and paper or something to write on


This course will help you break your self-liming beliefs and replace them with new empowering beliefs.

What are self-limiting beliefs?

Self-limiting beliefs prevent us from achieving success in our careers and lives. … Simply, they are negative self-perceptions that live in our conscious and subconscious rooted in past experiences, comments by others, values and beliefs of our family and friends, and even messages from the media (or social media)

In this course, you will learn:

– the origins of self-limiting beliefs: Where do these beliefs are coming from?

It’s essential to understand how these were created so we can break them and replace them with new empowering beliefs

– the TOP 10 self-limiting beliefs: the not good enough, the perfectionist, the fear of failure, the fear of success.

– 12 questions that help you break your self-liming beliefs

– 3 questions to create new empowering beliefs

Who is this course for:

– perfectionists

– self-development

– self-awareness

– creating a growth mindset

– break the rigid mindset


– paper and pen

– dedication

Workbook provided

The first part of overcoming self-limiting beliefs is identifying them, understanding their impact, identifying their source, and assessing their validity.

  • Identify Self-Limiting Beliefs: Many of us have beliefs that are so deeply ingrained that we don’t even know they exist. To help uncover them, start to listen to the negative thoughts in the night or those that emerge as you debate taking on a new project, job, or just trying anything new. What negative thoughts pass through your head, even for just a moment? Those are the self-limiting beliefs that are getting in your way and need to be squashed.
  • Understand the Impact and Magnitude of Your Self-Limiting Beliefs: Now that you are aware of your negative beliefs, reflect on how they are currently getting in your way or have impacted you in the past. What promotions did you pass up? What new opportunities did you say “no” to out of perceptions related to your readiness, capabilities, or experience (or what your resume said or didn’t say)? How much time did you waste putting things off because of these negative beliefs? My guess is the sum of time lost and missed opportunities are significant! This is the personal cost of self-limiting beliefs.
  • Identify the Source of Your Self-Limiting Beliefs: Next, search for the source of the belief. Was it a seemingly innocuous comment from your past, a commonly held belief of your family or social circle, or the perception of an experience? Getting to the source of the belief is key to eliminating it.
  • Assess the Validity of Your Beliefs: Self-limiting beliefs tend to get easily rooted in our conscious and subconscious and are rarely challenged. Flip the script and assess the validity of the self-limiting belief that you are carrying with you. Are there facts to support it or is it the perception or opinion of a friend, family member, or work colleague (Warning: it is most likely you!)? If it’s based on mere conjecture and not facts (Hint: Most likely it’s not), it’s time to put this belief behind you so that you drop the negative anchor and unlock your potential. Ask yourself, “What if it weren’t true?” and consider what you could achieve if you can walk away from this belief.

Who this course is for:

  • Self-development seekers
  • Self-awareness seekers
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