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How To Free Hand Draw with Square Drawing Grids – Free Udemy Courses

How To Free Hand Draw with Square Drawing Grids - Free Udemy Courses
How To Free Hand Draw with Square Drawing Grids - Free Udemy Courses

How To Free Hand Draw with Square Drawing Grids – Free Udemy Courses

Learn to draw with pinpoint accuracy using a pencil and transparent grids. Copy your photographs and scale up

What you’ll learn

How To Free Hand Draw with Square Drawing Grids – Free Udemy Courses

  • Effectively use a Square Drawing System to draw their pictures
  • Understand how to draw accurate and precise drawings using grids


  • Square Drawing Grids (either ours or your transparent grids)
  • 2B or B Pencil for drawing (erasers better)
  • Eraser
  • Backing Board (optional – for taping your reference photo too)
  • HB Pencil (better transferring the drawing using a carbon)
  • Ruler
  • Optional: Coloured Pen for drawing extra lines across the grids


Hi, my name is Colin Bradley,

I believe that everyone would like to draw. Not just draw but draw accurately, they’d love to copy their photographs and create beautiful pieces of art.

In Victorian times, artist’s gridded out their drawings to ensure they had correct proportions and perspectives. Several years ago I needed to do the same and created my product – the square drawing grids.

These have helped me time again to create accurate outline drawings that I use with Pastel Pencils and other mediums.  I began selling these grids 20 years ago and since then thousands of students all over the world have found success.

In this course, I will show you how to use our grids or any other gridded system to create precise and accurate outline drawings from your photos.

I will show you 3 examples, a portrait, an animal, and a landscape. I will also show you how you can use the grids to scale up your pictures, especially useful if you are working from a smaller photo.

When using the grids, you will not only understand the perspective and proportioning out, but you will improve your free-hand ability. 

This course is free and we encourage you to give this method of drawing a go.


In this course, you will learn how to use the Square Drawing Grids to copy your own pictures accurately. 

You will learn how to overlay smaller grids to replicate fine detail in eyes and buildings.

Using the Square Drawing System teaches you about perspective, and proportions and creates the muscle memory for drawing free-hand.

In this course Colin shows you how to use the Square Drawing System for:

  • Drawing Portraits
  • Drawing Animals
  • Drawing Landscapes
  • Scaling up your drawings
  • Transferring your drawings using a graphite carbon

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone that enjoys drawing
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to draw freehand
  • Anyone who wants to draw their pictures
  • Anyone who wants to learn proportions and perspective
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