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Intentional Parenting: A Look at Your Past, Present & Future – Free Udemy Courses

Intentional Parenting: A Look at Your Past, Present & Future - Free Udemy Courses
Intentional Parenting: A Look at Your Past, Present & Future - Free Udemy Courses

Intentional Parenting: A Look at Your Past, Present & Future – Free Udemy Courses

Making intentional choices toward becoming the parent you want to be

What you’ll learn

Intentional Parenting: A Look at Your Past, Present & Future – Free Udemy Courses

  • Recognize the four basic styles of parenting and their characteristics
  • Determine what from your past you do and do not want to incorporate into your own personal relationships with children
  • Identify the parenting style that best defines your current approach
  • Create a plan for moving forward in your parenting journey in a positive way


  • This course is for both experienced and new caregivers- Anyone interested in using their words and actions with intention around the child(ren) in their life. There is no minimum or maximum age for the learner or the child you care for.


Together, we will learn about the four basic styles of parenting (authoritarian, democratic, permissive, and uninvolved) and then consider what kind of parent you want to be. To do this, we’ll look to your past, examining the things from your childhood that didn’t serve you well, along with those things that you loved and cherished and want to carry with you into the relationships you have with children today. Next, we’ll try to determine what kind of caregiver you are right now, thinking about the actions you take, the words you say, and the way you feel at the end of a day with your child.

Lastly, we’ll make a plan for moving forward. You’ll have the opportunity to select two things you would like to add or subtract to your parenting style and then find three action steps to meet those goals. Taking this time to look at your past, present, and future, allows you to make intentional choices about your parenting and to continue to grow and develop a healthy, lifelong relationship with your child. And sometimes, a little intention can go a long way to making us more present in our day-to-day interactions with the child in our life as well as giving us the leg up we need to make real changes in our parenting style and tendencies.

Who this course is for:

  • This course is intended for anyone working with, living with, or caring for young children; parents, grandparents, childcare workers, teachers, foster parents, babysitters, nannies, etc.
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