Free Udemy Courses

Introduction to Personal Development – Free Udemy Courses

Introduction to Personal Development - Free Udemy Courses
Introduction to Personal Development - Free Udemy Courses

Introduction to Personal Development – Free Udemy Courses

Understanding the journey of self-development

What you’ll learn

Introduction to Personal Development – Free Udemy Courses

  • What is personal development
  • How to get started
  • Having the right mindset
  • Become aware of self-limiting beliefs
  • Personal SWOT
  • The key to success


  • Pen and paper (notebook)
  • Open Mindset


This is the time to start seeing continuous progress! This course will introduce you to personal development and help you to take the right steps toward working on your development journey. Personal development coach Agnes Wanja has put together this short course to give you an insight into the benefits of self-growth.

The course looks at the mindset required for self-growth, the assessment of personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, overcoming self-limiting beliefs, and the key to success on your journey.

This course is for you if you are seeking progress, change, and fulfillment. If you feel like you are ready to start seeing real change in different areas of your life, this course is for you. The course is only brief, there is a full version on the way.

Whatever goals you have in life, whether big or small, they will require you to apply yourself at a high level. Taking a course like this introduction to personal development allows you to do some self-reflection and work on the areas that require change.

Taking responsibility for your personal development is key. The key word is ‘personal’, you must focus on yourself and your journey to see change. Don’t get lost in all the noise of the world and what everyone else is doing or achieving. What are you doing and achieving?

The only competition is becoming the best version of yourself.

Who this course is for:

  • Individuals feeling stuck or seeking progress in life
  • New business start-ups seeking motivation
  • Entrepreneur seeking motivation
  • Individuals seeking an understanding of personal growth
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