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Learn Python Language Fundamentals In a Simple Way

Learn Python Language Fundamentals In Simple Way
Learn Python Language Fundamentals In Simple Way

Learn Python Language Fundamentals In a Simple Way

To Know Basics of Python and To Enter Python World Very Easily

What you’ll learn

Learn Python Language Fundamentals In a Simple Way

  • Students can get much perfection on Python Language Fundamentals


  • It’s desirable to have some minimum basic knowledge of English


The following concepts will be covered as the part of this course:

1. What is Python and the Father of Python

2. Easiness of Python when compared with Other Languages

3. Why the name ‘Python’

4. Python as All-Rounder

5. Where we can use Python

6. Features of Python

7. Limitations and Flavors of Python

8. Python Versions

9. Python Identifiers

10. Python Reserved Words

11. Data Types: int

12. Data Types: Base Conversion Functions

13. Data Types: float

14. Data Types: complex

15. Data Types: bool

16. Data Types: str data type representations by using single, double, and triple quotes

17. Data Types: str data type – positive and negative index

18. Data Types: str data type – Slice Operator

19. Data Types: + and * operators for str data type

20. Type Casting: introduction and int() function

21. Type Casting: float() and complex() functions

22. Type Casting: bool() and str() functions

23. Fundamental Data Types vs Immutability: Meaning Of Immutability

24. Fundamental Data Types vs Immutability: Need Of Immutability

25. Immutability vs Mutability

26. Python Data Types: List

27. Python Data Types: Tuple

28. Python Data Types: Set

29. Python Data Types: FrozenSet

30. Python Data Types: Dict

31. Python Data Types: range

32. Python Data Types: bytes and bytearray

33. Python Data Types Summary

34. None Data Type

35. Escape Characters, Comments, and Constants

Who this course is for

  • Anyone looking to know the basics of Python
  • Anyone looking to clear Python Interviews
  • Who anyone looking to clear Python Certification
  • Anyone to get perfection on a day to day coding requirements on Python Language Fundamentals
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