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Linux (Ubuntu) Made Easy – Free Udemy Courses

Linux (Ubuntu) Made Easy - Free Udemy Courses
Linux (Ubuntu) Made Easy - Free Udemy Courses

Linux (Ubuntu) Made Easy – Free Udemy Courses

A simple way to use Linux operating system

What you’ll learn

Linux (Ubuntu) Made Easy – Free Udemy Courses

  • Understand the Linux (Ubuntu) operating
  • Install the Linux operating system onthe  laptop/desktop
  • Interpret basic Linux commands onthe  machine
  • Create user Directory and Files with Linux Commands
  • UseLibreOfficee onLinuxx machine


  • No programming experience is needed. You will learn everything you need to know.


This course introduces the student to the use of the Linux Operating systems particular including the command line tools. The course is divided into four sections introduction, Installation & Graphical User Interface, Use of Linux Command Prompt, and Use of LibreOffice.The student will learn the operating system basics as the concept of the operating system is needed to efficiently use any operating system. Only some laptop/desktop manufacturing provides an inbuilt  Linux OS installed on the machine.

As various Linux distributions are available, students will learn about ubuntu distribution. The biggest advantage of Linux OS is the environment of the command prompt. In addition, the student will learn about creating directories, and files using the command line and become proficient in the use of the command line interface.

There is various software that is required for doing certain tasks like google chrome, VLC media player, paint, etc. The process of installing this software on a Linux machine is different from a windows machine. In addition, students will be able to install various educational/non-educational software on Linux machines. The Linux operating system is having built LibreOffice to create PowerPoint presentations such as LibreOffice Impress – A presentation creator, LibreOffice Writer – A word processor, and LibreOffice Calc – A spreadsheet application. Students will be able to use LibreOffice to prepare PPT, excel sheets, or documents.

Who this course is for:

  • Who wants to use Linux operating system?
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