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Martial Arts for Beginners – Free Udemy Courses

Martial Arts for Beginners - Free Udemy Courses
Martial Arts for Beginners - Free Udemy Courses

Martial Arts for Beginners – Free Udemy Courses

You will learn basic kicks and punches in this introductory Martial Arts course.

What you’ll learn

Martial Arts for Beginners – Free Udemy Courses

  • Fighting Stance
  • Basic Footwork
  • Jab
  • Cross
  • Hook
  • Front Kicks
  • Roundhouse Kicks
  • Axe Kicks


  • Willingness to learn
  • Excitement for the possibilities ahead


This course will teach you the main things that you need to know when starting to learn Martial Arts. I provided an abundance of entertaining and informative videos that will go into detail on each topic that you will need to know. Virtually every lecture is accompanied by an instructional video. I will provide supplemental materials such as PowerPoint presentations with most of the videos for an easy review when you need it.

Completing the course does not mean that you mastered it, I would strongly suggest going through the course multiple times and practicing every technique hundreds of times. As Bruce Lee said, “I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”

The structure of the course is fairly simple. I will start by explaining the points of a good stance. I will then show you some basic footwork that you should be practicing. Once you have a stance and the footwork down, we will then move on to basic punches. Once you have that down I will then introduce you to basic kicks. Lastly, I will show you two, in my opinion, the most useful self-defense techniques that you will be able to use in the street today! I will show you the major different ways of doing each technique so that your practice does not get dull. I will also show you common mistakes that people make and how to avoid them. So grab a pair of comfortable pants and let’s get started!

Who this course is for:

  • Suitable for all ages
  • All levels and all experiences should find the material useful
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