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Online school of hardening, barefoot and coldwater swimming. – Free Udemy Courses

Online school of hardening, barefoot and coldwater swimming. - Free Udemy Courses
Online school of hardening, barefoot and coldwater swimming. - Free Udemy Courses

Online school of hardening, barefoot, and coldwater swimming. – Free Udemy Courses

A full course of the unique Russian system which gives health, resistance to viral diseases, and spiritual growth for all ages.

What you’ll learn

Online school of hardening, barefoot, and coldwater swimming. – Free Udemy Courses

  • This course was created with love for all of you and will make you healthier and stronger by spirit.
  • Learn 12 rules of the system “Ditka”, which was very popular in Russia. Using this system you will get health, courage, masculinity, and development of your spirit.
  • You will not be afraid of cold, heat, or hunger. And, one day, it will help you to stay a human.
  • I will demonstrate to you reasonable techniques of HARDENING BY WATER and taking COLD SHOWERS.
  • I will demonstrate to you SNOW – ICE THERAPY. You will be able to walk in the snow, and wash from snow and ice. Snow and ice are the BEST medicines!
  • I will demonstrate to you WALKING BAREFOOT. It’s a great way to be free from diseases and get fantastic power from Earth.
  • I will demonstrate to you COLD WATER SWIMMING. It will open to you winter resorts of many countries. This ability will save your and other people’s lives.
  • You will no longer be a slave of alcohol and cigarettes. Up to you, but I will try to free you from this prison.


  • Some cardiovascular diseases
  • Pregnancy


Welcome to “Sergey Kutuzov’s COLDWATER CLUB”!

Additional note from 15/04/2022

To help you to live in new conditions in the new Era 2022_02_24 of lack of food, water, heat, and electricity this course will be free forever.

PS I never thought that a course on disease prevention would be a course that would help you overcome the inconvenience of geopolitics.


Today I’m happy to offer you what may seem strange but become the most important purchase of your life.

This course will destroy your fears of catching a cold and getting sick. You will not be afraid of cold temperatures, hunger, or thirst.  It will make you better and your spirit stronger.

I believe that one day we will win the battle with “CoViD 19” (but only when 500 million people will stay on the Earth).

But I also believe, that this virus is only tested, and only beginning.

The main question is what qualities we must have to have the ability to protect ourselves today and in the future.

I’m getting ahead of myself. To protect yourself you must be a hardened person, be united with nature, do not drink alcohol and do not smoke, and follow moral and ethical norms.

This course is about this.

In this course, you will study 12 rules of a system of natural healing “Ditka”, principles of hardening for beginners and you will see some demonstrations, which an ordinary hardened person can do.

This is a new version of the course “Hardening for beginners”. First, this course was written in Russian and was created for the Russian audience. But now I have decided to translate it into English because sad circumstances in the World appeared.

Now, when many countries face threats I present to you my course “Ditka system: increment of resistance to viral diseases” or “System of natural healing “Ditka” & hardening for beginners”, or Practical course of hardening and swimming in cold seawater.

Now, when humanity fights with coronavirus «Ditka» system can help many people.

This course tells about the legendary Russian, Soviet system of natural healing “Ditka”, following the rules which can increase the body’s resistance to viral diseases and colds.

The system was very popular in the 80s of the 20th century in Russia. Now, in the age of the human plague, it is time to remember it. The “Ditka” system is not only a means of hardening. Its uniqueness is that it not only gives health but also restores the connection of man with nature, and teaches a person to communicate with it.

In Nature, only a healthy organism can exist. Sick animals do not withstand natural selection. In nature, during pestilence, the weakest animals die. Today – this is a ‘pestilence” on humanity.

It does not matter where the virus was created, which has now swept the planet: in the laboratory or originated in Nature itself. My opinion is that the virus originated in itself and its purpose is to force humanity to change habits.

This is not revenge, but the first serious warning to humanity from Nature. This is only the first virus, and there will be many more.

Why does nature “punish” humanity? Man has come out of nature, but has lost touch with it, squanders its wealth, and always increases consumption.

Why are people now seriously ill or dying? Because they have weakened immunity and weak resistance to the virus.

Is there a means to prevent the future infection of the body with these and other more dangerous viruses and increase resistance to the disease? Yes, there is such a remedy.

Medicine, sports, yoga, wu-shu, and taijiquan can do it? No!

Hardening can do. It is an ancient tool that modern man does not want to use. Now it is almost forgotten because it requires a person’s will, a high level of spiritual development, and courage. These qualities are not in vogue now. In addition, tempering is strongly associated with totalitarian states: the USSR, Germany, and Japan.

Hardening cannot 100% prevent infection with viruses but can increase resistance to viral diseases and faster and smoother recovery. If you are hardening for a long time the probability that you will get sick decreases and the probability of a rapid recovery increases.

But if this virus is a punishment from Nature, is simple hardening enough? Why this course is not about the official Soviet school of hardening, but about the system “Ditka” (although the official system of hardening and “Ditka” were both very popular in the USSR).

Simple hardening is not what is needed in the current situation. The purpose of hardening was initially to increase resistance to adverse natural factors, so as not to suffer from cold and heat during research and expeditions, to find the desired and …. better to rob nature.

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Is there a system that, besides hardening, teaches man how to return a person to Nature, correct his mistakes in Nature to transfer him to another spiritual level, and reconcile him with Nature?

Yes, it’s the “Ditka” system. I’ve been using this system for almost 30 years and I’m sure it has been ahead of time. It was created by one of the most wonderful Russian thinkers, practitioners, and spiritual teachers.

It has three levels. The level for the common man who wants to be healthy- the level of hardening, the spiritual level, the metaphysical level. I constantly find more and more facets in it.

I’m sure it’s time to introduce you to this system. While you have time in quarantine, you can easily follow all 12 rules of the system. It is a time and chance to begin.

Thank you and good luck.

Please do not hesitate to contact me in case of any questions.

PS Previous title, of the course, is “Practical course of hardening and swimming in cold seawater”.


From today’s newspaper (MK, 09/08/21 Moscow).

“Every 10 years, the world is warming by 0.18 C, and in Russia by 0.45 C. At the same time, the age of millions of individuals will be shortened due to deadly heat and floods. By 2100, the temperature will increase by 5.2 degrees. Climate Research Institute Hans Schellnhuber says more than 3 billion people will be in uninhabitable zones by 2070. Areas in Africa, America, and Southeast Asia will be uninhabited by 2050. Climate change has already led to refugee flows from the hottest and poorest regions. Already 20 million people are leaving their habitats due to rising temperatures. ”

Hardening, and reducing the amount of food and water consumed is the only thing left for us to do to survive in this miserable century. But it seems that few people understand this.

Who this course is for:

  • Good and decent people who face injustice and want to receive strength from nature to defeat evil.
  • People who want to receive an important quality of the new era of Aquarius: high resistance to colds and viral diseases.
  • People who often catch a cold and suffer from viral diseases are afraid of cold temperatures.
  • Men who want to be more courageous
  • Women who want to look healthier and more beautiful
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