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Python 1500: Practice Missions – Free Udemy Courses

Python 1500: Practice Missions - Free Udemy Courses
Python 1500: Practice Missions - Free Udemy Courses

Python 1500: Practice Missions – Free Udemy Courses

A Professional Path to Pythonic Proficiencies using a Practical Programming Paradigm!

What you’ll learn

Python 1500: Practice Missions – Free Udemy Courses

  • Understand common / industry-wide terms, acronyms, as well as “best practice” app-creation techniques
  • Discover how to apply industry-standard requirement & design practices
  • Practice how to approach solving “real world” problem statements
  • Enjoy reviewing interview-worthy questions & answers over Mission topics
  • Experience an “All In One” Mission approach
  • Apply what you have designed to incrementally create a data management application


  • Students must be able to install Python 3.6 or greater


When I learned Python, it was because the U.S. DoD had no other resources at Fort Huachuca’s Electronic Proving Ground to use Georgia Tech’s audio testing software. We needed that software to validate the quality of our battlefield telemetry.

My “Missions” series is designed to help you learn how to use it on the job, as well.

While writing code for our use can be a lot of fun, creating the best software – even if for our use – often involves doing a whole lot more than simply writing code.

Even when we are working for ourselves – let alone working for others – unearthing hidden requirements, planning software versions, defining code/data relationships in advance, testing, as well as planning for feature regressions can usually become just as important as well!

Thus while our academic and/or “for-personal-use-only” projects are often fast, loose, and “code-only” creations, creating world-class software must usually be planned, tested, maintained… as well as deliberately designed to be feature-rich.

These Missions will also cover a few terms, acronyms, best practices, as well as an introduction to the most important online code nexus that new software developers need to know to better prepare for working as a professional software developers.

So the accelerated lesson plan for the Python Missions learning process focuses on demonstrating what NEW SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS might be called upon to do to create ready-to-re-use programming solutions. Those who have completed our Python 1000 series will have no problem completing these Missions, as well.

Much like our PSL-1100Python Missions the topics these missions are presented to gradually rocket students into writing highly reusable, understandably designed, as well as cross-platform tested Python projects as quickly as possible.

If you find yourself skipping – or sleeping – your way through far-too-coder-centric programming examples, then Python Missions is designed for you!

Who this course is for:

  • Students interested in learning how to define real-world projects
  • Students who enjoy practicing interview questions
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